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SpecIF Tutorials

A series of tutorials for the Specification Integration Facility (SpecIF).

Table of contents

Tutorials for SpecIF v1.0:

  1. Hello World
  2. Related Terms
  3. Requirement with Properties
  4. Requirement with Image
  5. Requirement with Enumerated Property
  6. Very Simple Model (FMC)
  7. Requirement with Multiple Languages
  8. Requirement with Vocabulary-Term
  9. Very Simple Model with Requirements
  10. Very Simple Model using ReqIF
  11. Requirement List (Excel) (in preparation)
  12. Multiple revisions (in preparation)
  13. Class Inheritance (in preparation)
  14. SpecIF class vs. dcterms:type (in preparation)
  15. Very Simple Model (BPMN) (in preparation)
  16. Very Simple Model (SysML) (in preparation)

Tutorials for SpecIF v1.1:

… coming soon

The examples corresponding to the tutorials v1.0 are already available:

  1. Hello World
  2. Related Terms
  3. Requirement with Properties
  4. Requirement with Image
  5. Requirement with Enumerated Property
  6. Very Simple Model (FMC)
  7. Requirement with Multiple Languages
  8. Requirement with Vocabulary-Term
  9. Very Simple Model with Requirements