
Tutorial 6: ‘Very Simple Model (FMC)’

In the previous tutorials we have introduced all concepts we need to represent a simple model with SpecIF. Let’s start with a block-diagram using the notation of the Fundamental Modelling Concepts (FMC). Let us first look at the model, itself:

Very Simple Model (FMC)

Let us first look at the relations of the model-elements. A relation is represented by a statement made with the respective resources. Below, the statements for one of the model-elements, namely 'FiCo-Application' are shown:

Very Simple Model Relations

Again, let’s start with the new elements of a SpecIF data-set.

    "propertyClasses": [{
      "id": "PC-Diagram",
      "title": "SpecIF:Diagram",
      "dataType": "DT-FormattedText",
      "changedAt": "2018-05-10T11:54:00+01:00"
    }, {
      "id": "PC-Type",
      "title": "dcterms:type",
      "dataType": "DT-ShortString",
      "changedAt": "2018-05-10T11:54:00+01:00"
    "resourceClasses": [{
      "id": "RC-Diagram",
      "title": "SpecIF:Diagram",
      "description": "A 'Diagram' is a graphical model view with a specific communication purpose, e.g. a business process or system composition.",
      "instantiation": ["user"],
      "icon": "▣",
      "propertyClasses": ["PC-Name","PC-Description","PC-Diagram","PC-Type"],
      "changedAt": "2018-05-10T11:54:00+01:00"
    }, {
      "id": "RC-Actor",
      "title": "FMC:Actor",
      "description": "An 'Actor' is a fundamental model element type representing an active entity, be it an activity, a process step, a function, a system component or a role.",
      "instantiation": ["auto"],
      "icon": "■",
      "propertyClasses": ["PC-Name","PC-Description","PC-Type"],
      "changedAt": "2018-05-10T11:54:00+01:00"
    }, {
      "id": "RC-State",
      "title": "FMC:State",
      "description": "A 'State' is a fundamental model element type representing a passive entity, be it a value, a document, an information storage or even a physical shape.",
      "instantiation": ["auto"],
      "icon": "●",
      "propertyClasses": ["PC-Name","PC-Description","PC-Type"],
      "changedAt": "2018-05-10T11:54:00+01:00"
    }, {
      "id": "RC-Event",
      "title": "FMC:Event",
      "description": "An 'Event' is a fundamental model element type representing a time reference, a change in condition/value or more generally a synchronisation primitive.",
      "instantiation": ["auto"],
      "icon": "♦",
      "propertyClasses": ["PC-Name","PC-Description","PC-Type"],
      "changedAt": "2018-05-10T11:54:00+01:00"

Next, we look at the statementClasses:

    "statementClasses": [{
      "id": "SC-shows",
      "title": "SpecIF:shows",
      "description": "'Diagram' shows 'Model-Element'",
      "instantiation": ["auto"],
      "subjectClasses": ["RC-Diagram"],
      "objectClasses": ["RC-Actor", "RC-State", "RC-Event"],
      "changedAt": "2018-05-10T11:54:00+01:00"
    }, {
      "id": "SC-writes",
      "title": "SpecIF:writes",
      "description": "'Actor' (Role, Function) writes 'State' (Information)",
      "instantiation": ["auto"],
      "subjectClasses": ["RC-Actor"],
      "objectClasses": ["RC-State"],
      "changedAt": "2018-05-10T11:54:00+01:00"
    }, {
      "id": "SC-reads",
      "title": "SpecIF:reads",
      "description": "'Actor' (Role, Function) reads 'State' (Information)",
      "instantiation": ["auto"],
      "subjectClasses": ["RC-Actor"],
      "objectClasses": ["RC-State"],
      "changedAt": "2018-05-10T11:54:00+01:00"

Let us at last have a look at the full example, now:

    "$schema": "https://specif.de/v1.0/schema.json",
    "id": "ACP-Very-Simple-Model-FMC",
    "title": "Very Simple Model (FMC)",
    "createdAt": "2020-03-06T09:05:00+01:00",
    "dataTypes": [{
      "id": "DT-ShortString",
      "title": "String[96]",
      "description": "String with max. length 96.",
      "type": "xs:string",
      "maxLength": 96,
      "changedAt": "2016-05-26T08:59:00+02:00"
      "id": "DT-Text",
      "title": "Plain or formatted Text",
      "description": "A text string, plain, or formatted with XHTML or markdown",
      "type": "xs:string",
      "changedAt": "2021-02-14T08:59:00+02:00"
    "propertyClasses": [{
      "id": "PC-Name",
      "title": "dcterms:title",
      "dataType": "DT-ShortString",
      "changedAt": "2018-05-10T11:54:00+01:00"
    }, {
      "id": "PC-Description",
      "title": "dcterms:description",
      "description": "An account of the resource (source: http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-terms/). Descriptive text represented in plain or rich text using XHTML or Markdown. SHOULD include only content that is valid and suitable inside an XHTML <div> element (source: http://open-services.net/).",
      "dataType": "DT-Text",
      "changedAt": "2021-02-23T08:59:00+02:00"
    }, {
      "id": "PC-Diagram",
      "title": "SpecIF:Diagram",
      "dataType": "DT-FormattedText",
      "changedAt": "2018-05-10T11:54:00+01:00"
    }, {
      "id": "PC-Type",
      "title": "dcterms:type",
      "dataType": "DT-ShortString",
      "changedAt": "2018-05-10T11:54:00+01:00"
    "resourceClasses": [{
      "id": "RC-Diagram",
      "title": "SpecIF:Diagram",
      "description": "A 'Diagram' is a graphical model view with a specific communication purpose, e.g. a business process or system composition.",
      "instantiation": ["user"],
      "icon": "▣",
      "propertyClasses": ["PC-Name","PC-Description","PC-Diagram","PC-Type"],
      "changedAt": "2018-05-10T11:54:00+01:00"
    }, {
      "id": "RC-Actor",
      "title": "FMC:Actor",
      "description": "An 'Actor' is a fundamental model element type representing an active entity, be it an activity, a process step, a function, a system component or a role.",
      "instantiation": ["auto"],
      "icon": "■",
      "propertyClasses": ["PC-Name","PC-Description","PC-Type"],
      "changedAt": "2018-05-10T11:54:00+01:00"
    }, {
      "id": "RC-State",
      "title": "FMC:State",
      "description": "A 'State' is a fundamental model element type representing a passive entity, be it a value, a document, an information storage or even a physical shape.",
      "instantiation": ["auto"],
      "icon": "●",
      "propertyClasses": ["PC-Name","PC-Description","PC-Type"],
      "changedAt": "2018-05-10T11:54:00+01:00"
    }, {
      "id": "RC-Event",
      "title": "FMC:Event",
      "description": "An 'Event' is a fundamental model element type representing a time reference, a change in condition/value or more generally a synchronisation primitive.",
      "instantiation": ["auto"],
      "icon": "♦",
      "propertyClasses": ["PC-Name","PC-Description","PC-Type"],
      "changedAt": "2018-05-10T11:54:00+01:00"
    "statementClasses": [{
      "id": "SC-shows",
      "title": "SpecIF:shows",
      "description": "'Diagram' shows 'Model-Element'",
      "instantiation": ["auto"],
      "subjectClasses": ["RC-Diagram"],
      "objectClasses": ["RC-Actor", "RC-State", "RC-Event"],
      "changedAt": "2018-05-10T11:54:00+01:00"
    }, {
      "id": "SC-writes",
      "title": "SpecIF:writes",
      "description": "'Actor' writes 'State'.",
      "instantiation": ["auto"],
      "subjectClasses": ["RC-Actor"],
      "objectClasses": ["RC-State"],
      "changedAt": "2018-05-10T11:54:00+01:00"
    }, {
      "id": "SC-reads",
      "title": "SpecIF:reads",
      "description": "'Actor' reads 'State'.",
      "instantiation": ["auto"],
      "subjectClasses": ["RC-Actor"],
      "objectClasses": ["RC-State"],
      "changedAt": "2018-05-10T11:54:00+01:00"
    "resources": [{
      "id": "Diagram-aec0df7900010000017001eaf53e8876",
      "title": "IT-Integration: FiCo-Application and FiCo-Data",
      "class": "RC-Diagram",
      "properties": [{
        "class": "PC-Name",
        "value": "IT-Integration: FiCo-Application and FiCo-Data"
      }, {
        "class": "PC-Diagram",
        "value": "<div><p class=\"inline-label\">Model Diagram:</p><p><object type=\"image/svg+xml\" data=\"files_and_images/Very-Simple-Model-FMC.svg\">Notation: FMC Block Diagram</object></p></div>"
      }, {
        "class": "PC-Type",
        "value": "FMC Block Diagram"
      "changedAt": "2020-03-06T08:32:00+01:00"
    }, {
      "id": "MEl-50fbfe8f0029b1a8016ea86245a9d83a",
      "title": "FiCo-Application",
      "class": "RC-Actor",
      "properties": [{
        "class": "PC-Name",
        "value": "FiCo-Application"
      }, {
        "class": "PC-Description",
        "value": "<div><p>IT-Application for Finance and Controlling.</p></div>"
      "changedAt": "2020-03-06T09:04:00+01:00"
    }, {
      "id": "MEl-50feddc00029b1a8016e2872e78ecadc",
      "title": "FiCo-Data",
      "class": "RC-State",
      "properties": [{
        "class": "PC-Name",
        "value": "FiCo-Data"
      }, {
        "class": "PC-Description",
        "value": "<div><p>Finance and Controlling Data, such as cost-units per project with budget, accrued cost etc.</p></div>"
      "changedAt": "2020-03-06T09:03:00+01:00"
    "statements": [{
      "id": "SVis-aec0df7900010000017001eaf53e8876-50fbfe8f0029b1a8016ea86245a9d83a",
      "title": "SpecIF:shows",
      "description": "'FMC Block Diagram' shows 'FiCo-Application'",
      "class": "SC-shows",
      "subject": "Diagram-aec0df7900010000017001eaf53e8876",
      "object": "MEl-50fbfe8f0029b1a8016ea86245a9d83a",
      "changedAt": "2020-03-06T08:32:00+01:00"
    }, {
      "id": "SVis-aec0df7900010000017001eaf53e8876-50feddc00029b1a8016e2872e78ecadc",
      "title": "SpecIF:shows",
      "description": "'FMC Block Diagram' shows 'FiCo-Data'",
      "class": "SC-shows",
      "subject": "Diagram-aec0df7900010000017001eaf53e8876",
      "object": "MEl-50feddc00029b1a8016e2872e78ecadc",
      "changedAt": "2020-03-06T08:32:00+01:00"
    }, {
      "id": "SWri-50fbfe8f0029b1a8016ea86245a9d83a-50feddc00029b1a8016e2872e78ecadc",
      "title": "SpecIF:writes",
      "description": "'FiCo-Application' writes 'FiCo-Data'",
      "class": "SC-writes",
      "subject": "MEl-50fbfe8f0029b1a8016ea86245a9d83a",
      "object": "MEl-50feddc00029b1a8016e2872e78ecadc",
      "changedAt": "2020-03-06T09:05:00+01:00"
    }, {
      "id": "SRea-50fbfe8f0029b1a8016ea86245a9d83a-50feddc00029b1a8016e2872e78ecadc",
      "title": "SpecIF:reads",
      "description": "'FiCo-Application' reads 'FiCo-Data'",
      "class": "SC-reads",
      "subject": "MEl-50fbfe8f0029b1a8016ea86245a9d83a",
      "object": "MEl-50feddc00029b1a8016e2872e78ecadc",
      "changedAt": "2020-03-06T09:05:00+01:00"
    "hierarchies": [{
		"id": "N-Diagram-aec0df7900010000017001eaf53e8876",
		"resource": "Diagram-aec0df7900010000017001eaf53e8876",
		"nodes": [{
			"id": "N-MEl-50fbfe8f0029b1a8016ea86245a9d83a",
			"resource": "MEl-50fbfe8f0029b1a8016ea86245a9d83a",
			"changedAt": "2020-03-06T09:05:00+01:00"
		}, {
			"id": "N-MEl-50feddc00029b1a8016e2872e78ecadc",
			"resource": "MEl-50feddc00029b1a8016e2872e78ecadc",
			"changedAt": "2020-03-06T09:05:00+01:00"
		"changedAt": "2018-05-10T11:54:00+01:00"
    "files": []

The instances, the actual model content, have not been discussed, yet:

You may also view/download the example Very Simple Model (FMC) or view it using the SpecIF Viewer.