
Tutorial 7: ‘Requirement with Multiple Languages’

Now, let us examine how a value can be given in several languages. The previously discussed requirement has a property indicating it’s priority. Here one of enumerated priority values is provided in english and german language.

    "dataTypes": [{
      "id": "DT-Priority",
      "title": "SpecIF:Priority",
      "description": "Enumerated values for priority",
      "type": "xs:enumeration",
      "values": [{
        "id": "V-Prio-0",
        "value": "High"
        "id": "V-Prio-1",
        "value": [{
          "text": "Rather High",
          "language": "en"
          "text": "Eher hoch",
          "language": "de"
      "multiple": false,
      "changedAt": "2020-03-26T22:59:00+02:00"

Some explanations:

Let us at last have a look at the full example:

    "id": "P-Requirement-with-Multiple-Languages",
    "title": "Requirement with Multiple Languages",
    "$schema": "https://specif.de/v1.0/schema.json",
    "changedAt": "2020-03-26T22:59:00+02:00",
    "dataTypes": [{
      "id": "DT-ShortString",
      "title": "String[96]",
      "description": "String with max. length 96.",
      "type": "xs:string",
      "maxLength": 96,
      "changedAt": "2016-05-26T08:59:00+02:00"
      "id": "DT-Text",
      "title": "Plain or formatted Text",
      "description": "A text string, plain, or formatted with XHTML or markdown",
      "type": "xs:string",
      "changedAt": "2021-02-14T08:59:00+02:00"
      "id": "DT-Priority",
      "title": "SpecIF:Priority",
      "description": "Enumerated values for priority",
      "type": "xs:enumeration",
      "values": [{
        "id": "V-Prio-0",
        "value": "High"
        "id": "V-Prio-1",
        "value": [{
          "text": "Rather High",
          "language": "en"
          "text": "Eher hoch",
          "language": "de"
        "id": "V-Prio-2",
        "value": "Medium"
        "id": "V-Prio-3",
        "value": "Rather Low"
        "id": "V-Prio-4",
        "value": "Low"
      "multiple": false,
      "changedAt": "2020-03-26T22:59:00+02:00"
    "propertyClasses": [{
      "id": "PC-Name",
      "title": "dcterms:title",
      "description": "A name given to the resource.",
      "dataType": "DT-ShortString",
      "changedAt": "2020-03-26T22:59:00+02:00"
      "id": "PC-Description",
      "title": "dcterms:description",
      "description": "An account of the resource (source: http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-terms/). Descriptive text represented in plain or rich text using XHTML or Markdown. SHOULD include only content that is valid and suitable inside an XHTML <div> element (source: http://open-services.net/).",
      "dataType": "DT-Text",
      "changedAt": "2021-02-23T08:59:00+02:00"
      "id": "PC-Priority",
      "title": "SpecIF:Priority",
      "description": "The 'Priority' of the resource.",
      "dataType": "DT-Priority",
      "changedAt": "2020-03-26T22:59:00+02:00"
    "resourceClasses": [{
      "id": "RC-Requirement",
      "title": "IREB:Requirement",
      "description": "A 'Requirement' is a singular documented physical and functional need that a particular design, product or process must be able to perform.",
      "icon": "↯",
      "propertyClasses": [ "PC-Name", "PC-Description", "PC-Priority" ],
      "changedAt": "2020-03-26T22:59:00+02:00"
    "statementClasses": [],
    "resources": [{
      "id": "Req-5ba3512b0000bca",
      "title": [{
        "text": "Minimum button size",
        "language": "en"
        "text": "Minimale Größe des Tasters",
        "language": "de"
      "class": "RC-Requirement",
      "properties": [{
        "class": "PC-Description",
        "value": [{
          "text": "<p>The <i>button size</i> MUST not be less than 20mm in diameter.</p>",
          "language": "en"
          "text": "<p>Der <i>Durchmesser</i> des Tasters MUSS mindestens 20mm betragen.</p>",
          "language": "de"
        "class": "PC-Priority",
        "value": "V-Prio-1"
      "changedAt": "2020-03-26T22:59:00+02:00"
    "statements": [],
    "hierarchies": [{
      "id": "N-bca801377e3d1781",
      "resource": "Req-5ba3512b0000bca",
      "changedAt": "2020-03-26T22:59:00+02:00"

You may also view/download the example Requirement with Multiple Languages or display it using the SpecIF Viewer.